SpeedUpAmerica Results

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    Download Speed
  • >100 Mbps
  • 75 to 100 Mbps
  • 25 to 75 Mbps
  • 18 to 25 Mbps
  • 6 to 18 Mbps
  • 0 to 6 Mbps

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Speed Test Breakdown

*Data based on speed tests collected from user submissions at www.speedupamerica.com and tests from mlab data
of tests were SLOWER THAN 5 Mbps
of tests were FASTER THAN 100 Mbps
of tests were SLOWER THAN 25 Mbps
of tests were FASTER THAN 250 Mbps
of tests were SLOWER THAN 5 Mbps
of tests were SLOWER THAN 25 Mbps
of tests were FASTER THAN 100 Mbps
of tests were FASTER THAN 250 Mbps

Median Speed by ISP

Speed Breakdown by ISP

Number of Tests Per ISP

About SpeedUpAmerica

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from
This website is an open source project which is always open to new contributors. To join in, visit us on GitHub.
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